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Roni Horn

Opening December 6, 2024, Dia Beacon


Roni Horn features works from Dia’s collection, realized between 1980 and 1990, that highlight the artist’s early experiments with lead, cast iron, and copper. Horn’s work builds on Minimalism’s reductive geometry and direct placement of objects onto the gallery floor to realize sensuous sculptures that explore the mutability of materiality and identity. Her sculptures are dispersed and paired across Dia Beacon’s galleries, unfolding the artist’s enduring exploration of how multiplicity, repetition, and doubling affect perception and create uncanny juxtapositions. Known primarily for her sculptures, Horn works across media, including photography, drawing, and books. The two-part exhibition begins with Post Work III (1986–87), on view starting December 2024, followed by a presentation opening in the spring.

Roni Horn is curated by Donna De Salvo, senior adjunct curator, special projects, with Min Sun Jeon, assistant curator. 

All exhibitions at Dia are made possible by the Economou Exhibition Fund. 


Roni Horn

Roni Horn was born in New York City in 1955, where she currently lives and works.

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