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DiaTalks - Sandra Brant, George Condo, and Raf Simons on Andy Warhol

205 West 39th Street, November 28, 2018

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Calvin Klein, Inc.
205 West 39th Street
New York City

Jessica Morgan, Dia Art Foundation’s Nathalie de Gunzburg Director, moderates a panel discussion on Andy Warhol. The panelists include Sandra Brant, George Condo, and Raf Simons, who have all engaged personally with Warhol or otherwise been inspired by his work and larger-than-life persona. Together the artists and creative figures discuss Warhol’s wide-rangingand lasting impact on contemporary art and design.


Video: DiaTalks - Sandra Brant, George Condo, and Raf Simons on Andy Warhol

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