Tuesdays on the Terrace
The Collection of Silence - A project by Eileen Myles
Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 7:00 PM, Dia at the Hispanic Society
Dia at the Hispanic Society
Broadway between 155th and 156th Streets
New York City
Eileen Myles will present The Collection of Silence, a baroque site-specific work around the possibilities of silence as central to the syntax and punctuation of everyday life. A diverse group of poets will present short pieces at various locations on the outdoor plaza of Audubon Terrace, where they will be joined by a group of students from PS4. Also accompanied by dancers, Buddhists, an opera singer, and a life drawing class, this mute and active gathering will demonstrate and celebrate the collective power of silence and the capacity of an unvoiced poem to serve the communal purposes of public life. Participants include poets Charles Bernstein, Stephanie Gray, Tim Liu, Monica De la Torre, and Rachel Zolf, Christine Hou, and Julie Patton, dancer-choreographer Christine Elmo, The Village Zendo, and soprano Juliana Snapper. The silent texts will be available in a bilingual edition at the performance.