Yvonne Rainer Performance at Dia:Beacon
October 22, 2011–May 13, 2012, Dia Beacon
Over the course of three weekends in October 2011, and February and May, 2012, Dia Art Foundation will present a series of Yvonne Rainer’s dance works at Dia:Beacon, Riggio Galleries. Dia’s retrospective, entitled Yvonne Rainer, will celebrate the depth of Rainer’s contributions to dance and will feature early works of choreography from the 1960s—including both iconic and lesser-known pieces—as well as three compositions created within the last twelve years.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
1 pm, 3 pm
Three Seascapes (1962)
Three Satie Spoons (1961)
Trio A: Pressured with 5 people (forward, retrograde, facing, in the midnight hour) (1999–2011)
Chair/Pillow (1969)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
12 pm, 2 pm
Three Seascapes (1962)
Spiraling Down (2008)
Three Satie Spoons (1961)
Sunday, May 13, 2012
1 pm, 3 pm
We Shall Run (1963)
Trio A (1966)
Assisted Living: Good Sports 2 (2011)
Chair/Pillow (1969)
Yvonne Rainer
Yvonne Rainer was born in San Francisco in 1934. She lives and works in New York and California.
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